
Conference Tips for Kinder Teachers

Conference tips for Kinder teachers are here! It is time to prepare so that your conferences will run smoothly and be effective for your student’s progress this year. Keep reading to learn some great conference tips and get a free printable! 

No need to stress about Conferences! We are here to help you prepare.

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Conference tips for your kindergarten classroom:

As teachers, we all want students to be successful, but it is important to remember that your time is valuable! Believe it or not, it is doable to keep your conferences at 10 minutes to preserve this. The best way to do so is to be prepared! Check out some greats tips listed below to accomplish this! 


Firstly, A sign-in sheet is a great way for your student’s families to check in before their conference begins. By doing this you are able to keep track of who was able to make it and who you missed. This will help you touch base with these families at a later time. Free sign-in can be found here!

Conference tips for kinder teachers sign in sheet

Conference tips for Kinder teachers to keep in mind!

Test Scores

Now that we are several weeks into the school year, you should have some testing data for your students. These scores would be useful to share with parents/caregivers to give them an overall idea of where their student stands at this point in the year. Focus on literacy and math, as these guide the majority of instruction, but include other academic areas if time allows.

Where do your students GLOW?

Positivity is key! In other words, It is important to highlight where your students are successful. Including 1-3 areas in which your student is ‘glowing’ academically will give parents a good idea of what areas they can focus on less at home because their student already has strengths here. 

Where can your students GROW?

Focusing solely on success areas would be wonderful, but we know all students, no matter their ability levels, have areas they can improve on. Be sure you highlight where your students need to ‘grow’ with parents and give tips on how they can works on these skills with them outside of the classroom if able. Be sure to keep this delivery positive. 

How do your students SHINE in class?

Unfortunately, academics are not a strong suit for all of your kinders, but that is okay! All of our students have strengths, no matter the areas. Highlighting our student’s skills, outside of academics, is also important. Is your student a kind classmate? Always first to volunteer to help the teacher? Constantly showing support to others? These skills are AMAZING and deserve to be spotlighted with their families.

Grab this freebie below to help guide students through self-reflections!

Parent questions & concerns

Most parents will either come into the conference with questions or concerns or leave with them; however, this is OKAY! Keep these for yourself to keep track of what you may need to keep an eye on with particular students or circle back with at a later time. 

Teacher Notes

Take a few moments to jot down any notes you may have throughout or at the conclusion of the conference. These can similar to the parent’s concerns or any additional information you may have learned about your student during this conversation with the family. Therefore, these notes could help you move forward with additional ideas on how to best support certain students!

Reflecting on conference tips for kinder teachers:

Conference time can certainly feel fast and furious at times, but never forget the difference you are making in so many lives daily! You have your student’s best interest at heart and are doing everything you can to help mold the world’s future leaders. Most importantly, YOU ARE AMAZING! 

Free Conference Reflection Sheet

Did you love all of the tips shared above?! Well, GREAT NEWS, we have created a freebie that highlights all of these tips for you to use during your conferences. Just print and guide your students through self-reflection in preparation for conferences. Share with parents to help guide your conversation. As a result, your conferences will run so smoothly with all of this information right at your fingertips! 

You can grab your free Conference Reflection sheet by entering your information and the Simply Kinder freebie fairy will fly that over to your inbox! Already a member? Great! Unlock your freebie here too!

What additional ideas do you have to help your conferences run smoothly? Please share your tips inside the Simply Kinder Teachers Facebook Group or tag #SimplyKinder on Instagram!

This post was written by Lindsey Ward. Lindsey is a certified teacher with several years of teaching experience and a great love for all things Kindergarten and First Grade.

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