
Rhyming Puzzles

I always love it when I find centers that can easily be used throughout the entire school year. Students need to consistently review topics in order to properly retain the information. These rhyming puzzles will do just that. This free printable will be the perfect addition to your literacy centers at any time of the year.

This free printable will be the perfect addition to your centers this school year. They can easily be used for a quick review or as a great way to introduce colors to your students.

Rhyming Puzzles comes with five pages of puzzles for your students. There are two rhyming puzzles for each vowel. Each puzzle has three pieces.

Getting Rhyming Puzzles Ready

After printing all puzzles on cardstock, I recommend laminating. This allows you to resume the centers for years to come.

I find it easiest to use a paper cutter to cut all of the puzzles out. Then I go back and cut the individual pieces of the puzzle out.

Rhyming Puzzles

This activity goes well with:

Doing Rhyming Puzzles

First students will lay out all of the puzzle pieces on the floor or desk.

Students will choose any puzzle piece they like to get started. I always encourage my students to say the name of the picture out loud. I feel like this helps them find the corresponding rhyme more easily when they hear it said. This student chose a puzzle piece with a wig on it.

Rhyming Puzzles

Students will then sort through the rest of the puzzle pieces looking for a puzzle piece that rhymes with the wig. This student found the dig puzzle piece next. She placed it next to the wig-piece puzzle piece.

Rhyming Puzzles

Lastly, the student found the final puzzle piece. Once the puzzle has all three puzzle pieces, it is completed.  Students can push the finished puzzle piece to the side and start over again with a new puzzle.

Rhyming Puzzles

If you think that having three puzzle pieces for each puzzle will be too overwhelming for your students, no problem! Simply take the middle puzzle piece out and students will only have to match two rhyming sounds together. As they master completing those puzzles, you can easily add in the third puzzle piece.

To get this freebie click on the image below.


I hope that you enjoy Rhyming Puzzles.


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