
Dismissal Tags

Total Pages: 54
File Size: 15 MB


Looking for a great dismissal system?

Included in this Editable download is:

– circles to make a clip chart
– tags by go home method
– tags with all go home methods on them so you can circle theirs
– tracking forms

*As a kinder teacher I start with color coded tags – one for each dismissal area. As the students become more independent, I don’t want to keep copying and prepping tags in different colors so I move to the tag that has all of the dismissal areas on it. Details on how I use are included in the download!

Please note: We added an option for parent pick-up other than car. You will pick which version of the tag with all dismissal options on it. We did this for schools who do not have a car pick up.

Color and Black and White Options.

Comes with 2 options – ready to print or editable with PowerPoint.


File Format:

Editable PowerPoint. Please note, at this time, they are not compatible with internet-based devices such as iPads or Chromebooks.


Jennifer Kadar – Simply Kinder – Kindergarten – First Grade – Preschool



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