
Classroom Goose

Simply kinder is here with a public service announcement to get a porch goose but jazz it up as a classroom goose. Not only can you dress your goose up in seasonal attire, but you can incorporate the goose into your classroom culture. You won’t be disappointed in all the fun a goose will bring to your classroom. Keep reading for a classroom goose freebie!

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Why a Classroom Goose?

Not only are you going to have fun incorporating a goose into your classroom, but your students will also be full of excitement. They will eagerly search for the goose each morning as they enter the classroom and they will giggle each time your goose has a wardrobe change.

Most importantly, there are so many ways to utilize a goose in your classroom. We have lots of ideas below to help you get started. Your goose will quickly become another member of your class.

Classrooms are for learning and they are also for having FUN! Let a goose help create an atmosphere of fun for your students.

How to Begin?

Build up excitement for the goose’s arrival so your students are invested. Give hints that a new friend will be joining the class prior to the big arrival. Boxing the goose up as a “special delivery” is a fun way to make his/her debut.

After meeting the goose, it’s time to choose a name. Simply Kinder created a graphing activity to help students choose a name for the goose. Simply brainstorm name ideas and create a class graph to choose a fair winner. Grab your freebie HERE at Simply Kinder +.

Ideas for a Classroom Goose

The options for incorporating your goose are endless. Your goose can be involved in academics, social/emotional activities, and build the feeling of family.

1. Purchase attire for your goose. There are several shops that specialize in clothing for porch geese and you won’t be disappointed in the options. Laughter will begin the school day as students enter the classroom and see the silly new outfits your goose will wear.

2. Let students sit with the goose. The goose can sit at table groups and encourage collaboration. Students can use the goose as a reading buddy or if they need some emotional support in the calm corner. A cuddle with the goose is sure to bring some comfort.

3. Let the goose inspire creative writing opportunities. Use our FREE goose printable for students to write about and illustrate the goose’s outfit changes. This is a great resource to include in your classroom writing center.

4. Move your goose around the classroom. Find silly places for your goose to perch for the day. Don’t be afraid to use props and allow your goose to leave occasional surprises.

5. Take your goose outside of the classroom. Include your goose at special assemblies, lunch, and recess. Your goose even makes a great field trip companion. Traveling with your goose will generate great conversation.

6. Use your goose to encourage positive choices. Let students earn a special day with the goose after earning a set number or stickers or tickets.

7. Send the goose home with students. Let your students have adventures with the goose over the weekend. Students can journal about their adventures and share them with the class.

Have Fun

There is no right or wrong way to use a goose in your classroom. Your students will enjoy getting to know their new feathered friend and we promise you lots of laughs along the way.

We would love to see what you think of with a classroom goose! Please make sure to tag us on Instagram here or share inside the Simply Kinder Teacher Facebook Group here!

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