
Giant Wiggly Eyes & Elfs & Ornaments!

There is no other term for this post except randomness!  Ornaments & Elfs & Eyeballs!

This year I decided I wanted to try something different for my student’s parent gifts. Aren’t they just beautiful!

This activity works well with these resources:

So I got these great little cardboard ornaments at Michaels at like 70% off!  Plus with my teacher discount I could not resist!  And what else do you do on cardboard.. PAPER MACHE of course!
Each student was given a plate with their name (to keep track of whose was whose,) an ornament, some tissue paper squares, and glue mixture (about 2 parts glue to 1 part water.)  I showed the kids to put a dab of glue on the ornament, place a paper, and glue super good over the top.  They had to fill the ornament so no brown was showing.  Then when they were done they had to coat one more time with glue so I could glitter (well and so it had a really good coating on it.)
I let them dry for a day and then I glazed them with some spray Modge Podge.  I do not suggest doing the spray.. just being honest.. everyone on campus was like what’s that smell even though I sprayed them outside in the middle of a courtyard!  Oh.. and it melted the foam plates I used.  Can’t be good people!
I plan to tie them off with a bow and wrap them the same way I do each year in the Christmas Card bags.  They are just so easy to make and takes such little prep on my behalf which is what I am all about – spending time where it matters!  Click here to read about it!
I just love these things!  I think an entire tree in them would be amazing!  A huge thank you to my a neighboring teacher who let me literally borrow her tree to take these photos!
So our elf has been super busy this week.  I have to be honest… moving an elf when I have my own 1st grader at school has been quite the challenge.  So I have enlisted the help of a dear friend and neighboring teaching and she has been moving Zu-Zu for us!  Here’s some pictures of her antics this week!
Seriously funny!  This kids loved this. And then during writing time they all wanted to write their own messages from the elf about Santa!
 Ok this one I LOVED Ms. Cannon for!  LOL… I had report card testing to do and my horseshoe table was officially out of commission for the day!  Super funny though!
On Friday Zu-Zu and two of her friends went on the morning announcements!  LOL.  My sign is the sign on the right that says I like Ms. Cannon’s class better which is what we constantly joke about with our kids!  Seriously she did a great job here!
Last was one I did AND a giveaway item!  Just a message that the elf is watching for Santa!  Just love my LARGE google eyes. I use them all over my classroom just to add a little humor throughout the year.  Sometimes they will be on my door, sometimes on my marker board, sometimes on a bulletin board.  The possibilities are endless and the kids think it’s funny and so it builds community in my book!  So… I have purchased a set of giant wiggly eyes for our giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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