
Kindness Bulletin Board

I just love doing activities that promote kindness.  Here is a Kindness Bulletin Board I recently did and some free pages so you can do it too.

I started with this great new picture book a couple of months ago that is one of my new favorites. It’s called Cara’s Kindness, written by Kristi Yamaguchi.

Cara's Kindness

It’s about Cara, the ice skating cat who passes kindness forward. She later realizes that when you pass on the kindness, it might make its way back to you. I thought this would be a great lesson for the kids in the classroom.

I created a bulletin board so the kids can share how their classmates have passed on the kindness to them. We’ve worked on being bucket fillers in the past so this works great right alongside that.

This activity goes well with

Pass on the Kindness
Pass on the Kindness

I set the blank mittens out with some markets and when the kids feel that someone has passed the kindness to them, they can write it on a mitten and hang it up.

You can download a copy of the mittens for yourself here.

What kind of fun ways do you encourage kindness in your classroom?

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