
Ornament Sight Words

Using holiday ornaments, students can practice their sight words and make their own sight word Christmas tree! In this easy to organize activity, students will get “hands-on” with their sight word practice.

This activity works well with these resources:

This activity only takes a few supplies, most of which you probably already have at home or in your classroom. In just a few minutes, you can label Christmas ornaments, add them to your classroom tree, grab the Free Printable and be all set to go for this fun, holiday sight word practice activity.

Shatterproof ornaments are the best to use for safety during this activity. The Free Christmas Tree Sight Word Printable has 18 sight words on it. You can choose to either put one sight word on each ornament (requiring 18 ornaments) or put one sight word on the front and another sight word on the back of each ornament (requiring 9 ornaments).

ornament sight words

The following list includes the sight words used in the printable. Label the ornaments with the sight words and hang them on a small Christmas tree or the classroom tree.

are, the, they, with, to, their, no, is too, for, this, not, a, know, what, do, and, does

Each student will need a Free Printable and crayons or dot markers to color the sight words on the printable.

ornament sight words

The students will choose a sight word from the tree and read it aloud. Then they will find the same sight word on the printable and color the ornament on the printable. Continue choosing ornaments from the tree until all of the ornaments on the printable are colored in.

Another fun extension would be to use different colored ornaments and have the students color the printable in the corresponding colors. This can also help you to keep track if they are actually finding and matching the words or just coloring in every ornament!

ornament sight words

Adding a holiday spin to sight word practice always helps to keep my kiddos engaged in the activity. It makes it more novel for them and they just love holiday activities!

What are some ways you make sight word practice exciting in the classroom?

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