
Joke Books for Kindergarten

Kindergarten students have such a great sense of humor, and they love silly books. Whether you’re looking for ideas for “J” day of an alphabet countdown, or just want to add a little fun to read aloud time, we have the best list of joke books for kindergarten for you here!

Check out these joke books for kindergarten for a list of all the funniest books to read aloud to your kindergarten class this year!

Don’t you just love hearing those sweet giggles of your students? One of the best parts about kindergarten students is how easily amused they are, and authors really play into that! That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best joke books for kindergarten so you always have something to fall back on for a fun day.



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Other Read-Aloud Suggestions:

More Alphabet Countdown ideas here!

Joke Day for Alphabet Countdown

Are you doing our Alphabet Countdown to the end of the school year? Every letter of the alphabet has a blank, editable page with a different activity to fill out! We include over 60 ideas to use for the letters, too! It’s such a fun way for students to count down to the last day of school, while still doing an educational activity. “J” would be a great day to have JOKES! You can tell your own jokes to the students (click here to check out this funny page of over 200 jokes for kids!), have students come up with their own jokes, or read them a book from our list below! No matter what, it will be a day full of laughs!

Joke Books for Kindergarten

The Book with No Pictures is perhaps one of the most popular books for a read-aloud guaranteed to make students laugh.The trick to this is that you MUST say everything written on the page, no matter how silly! Kinders think that having their teacher read words like BORK or BLUUF is the funniest thing ever. Ham it up and make weird noises- or pretend you can’t possibly read the next page aloud and suddenly blurt it out. Let the giggles begin! Grab it on Amazon below!

The Wonky Donkey is a very silly book that kids love. The book repeats the same phrase over and adds another word to the description of the donkey. Eventually, you end up with a spunky, hanky-panky, cranky, stinky, dinky, lanky, honky-tonky, winky wonky, donkey! Make the loudest, silliest rendition of “HeeHaw” you can as you star each page, and encourage your students to join in. They are going to love this book! Here it is:

Another book that students find hilarious with added teacher facial expressions and noises is No David! They especially love the page where he runs out of the bathroom and down the street with no clothes on! Oh no, David! They also think all the mischevious things he does can be quite silly. Check it out here:

The book, The Worst Book in the Entire World Is sure to have your students laughing out loud when they hear their teacher saying words like booger, stinky, toot, and booty. Even the title is sure to have them smiling because why would their teacher ever read them a “worst book ever”? See what you think:

No list of joke books would be complete without something by Mo Willems. All children love his books and the Pigeon series gets everyone giggling. In the book The Pigeon Needs a Bath, our Pigeon is VERY dirty. In fact, there are stinky waves coming from their body. Yet Pigeon insists they can’t possibly have a bath and comes up with every conceivable reason why. Amazon has it for you below:

More Funny Books for Joke Day

Don’t Push the Button introduces the students to a lovable monster named Larry. Somehow, he will persuade your kids to push the button and then chaos ensues. The only way to get things back to normal is to shake and poke the book. You also get to push the button again and again. Children love interacting with the story in this way and it always ends with a lot of laughs! Grab it here for your class:

What kindergartener doesn’t think it’s funny to talk about underwear? The book called Underwear is a classic and has all the animals in it laughing about wearing different colored underwear. As an added bonus to the belly laughs, this book is great for word tracking and sight word recognition. Get it below:

Wordy Birdy will have your class laughing from start to finish with how much the little bird likes to talk. She has some silly conversations throughout the whole book. It’s also an important lesson for students to be quiet once in a while so they are aware of the danger. So you will be happy with the hidden meaning! Check it out here:

Interrupting Chicken Is funny when read with a LOT of drama! Students love it if you make different voices and if the interrupting is very pronounced! Again, there’s a bit of a hidden message about why we shouldn’t interrupt, so you’ll be celebrating joke day and also teaching important skills! Here it is for you on Amazon:

J is for Joke Book Day

We hope you love celebrating a day of jokes with your students! It’s the perfect addition to your alphabet countdown. Do you have any other days you like to celebrate with funny books or jokes? Did we miss any of your go-to books to make students laugh? Let us know on our Simply Kider Teacher Group Facebook Page!

Check out these joke books for kindergarten for a list of all the funniest books to read aloud to your kindergarten class this year!

This post was written by Johanna, an experienced early elementary teacher who loves learning about new teaching ideas for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade!

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