
Easy Mother’s Day Basket Craft

This easy Mother’s Day basket craft is great for a whole class or small group Kinder craft. It’s easy to make, low cost, and a great gift to send home for Mom! Guaranteed to make Mom’s smile everywhere! 

With Mother’s Day not too far away, it’s time to start thinking about what crafts and gifts to make. While I know how much the children love making Mother’s day crafts, as a kinder teacher you really want to keep it simple and manageable – especially when you have a whole class full to make! That’s why I’m sure you’ll love this easy Mother’s Day basket craft – perfect for Kinders!

Easy Mother’s Day Basket Craft

This is a great Mother’s day craft activity that you can easily do as a whole class activity. There is a little bit of prep work (cutting out the plates) but that makes doing the actual craft so much easier. While I would normally encourage the children to cut out on their own, the fact that we’re cutting out the middle of the plate makes it tricky and I guarantee you’ll have a lineup of children asking for your help!

If you do the prep beforehand this is a great craft activity for centers too. As always, I’ve tried to make this a really low cost activity as we know that it’s generally the teachers paying for the supplies out of their own pocket!

This basket is designed to be for decoration only, and not as a functional basket. It makes a great gift alongside a Mother’s Day card. They also look great on display in the classroom.



What you need for the easy Mother’s Day basket craft

easy mother's day basket craft supplies

  • Large paper plates
  • Foam stickers – I used butterflies and flowers but you can choose whichever ones you like
  • Scissors

How to make your Mother’s Day basket craft.

  1. Cut out the paper plate as show in the picture below. As mentioned above, it is a good idea to do this ahead of time.
    easy mother's day basket craft cutting out final
  2. Give the children a selection of stickers to add to their basket. If you prefer you can have the children paint or color the basket instead. You could also use cut out flowers etc from magazines if you don’t have stickers available.
easy mother's day craft step 2

3. Display around your room or give them to Mom for Mother’s Day!

easy mother's day basket craft finished 1

I told you that this craft was an easy one, but it is one that the children really enjoy making and that looks really effective. Mom’s will love them, and you’ll love how easy they are to make!

A fun Mother's Day Craft for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students. You can pick whether they do the Mother's Day Craft, or Mother's Day Directed Drawing to go in the center to the O.

A fun Mother’s Day Craft for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students. You can pick whether they do the Mother’s Day Craft, or Mother’s Day Directed Drawing to go in the center to the O.  Click here to check it out.

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